I went to check in on Lewis this afternoon, and found him looking with some bewilderment at something that looks like a social life.  All in this coming week, he will be having coffee with Sarah, watching a game with Eric, and then on the weekend he will join Jo and Drew for dinner.  Eric may have also gotten him a job dogsitting, which Lewis is both nervous and hopeful about—he loves dogs, but he is not certain of his ability to take care of another creature when he can hardly take care of himself.

Brid, however, is encouraged, and encouraging.  “I think he would do well, and it would be a boost to his confidence,” she said.  She has also given her approval for all of the social engagements, so long as Lewis is not too tired or strained on the given days.

Friendship is such a blessing!  Lewis looks so much better.  He is gaining weight, and he has more energy than before.  He still has nightmares, and there is still work to do, but there is a little core of hope in his soul, which would not be there if not for the support and kindness of the people around him.

Seeing this has brought me to a decision.  Though I have not seen the same unhappiness in Freya that I saw the night of her birthday party, I am still worried that she does not have a true friendship on which she can lean in times of trouble.  I have decided, then, that I will look for someone to fill that void in her life.  I will continue to look after her relationship with Elliott, of course, for I have high hopes for them, but she needs more than just one person to hold her up.  She deserves more, and I mean to give it to her if I can.