I have nothing much to report—things have been calm with Freya, with no sign of Fallen interference.  She has come to believe that her new contentment stems from a level of self-awareness and self-satisfaction that she has never felt before.  That is a relief to me, because as long as she does not see anything mystical in the feeling, I can stay close to her. 

I have asked Orison what will happen if Freya becomes too aware of my presence—if she begins to recognize me on a conscious level.  He has warned me that this could cause some significant neurological problems for her as her mind tries to reconcile what she knows of the world with the truth it is beginning to see.  He also said that this could draw more attention to her from the enemy.  That is the last thing that I want.

And yet, I cannot help but feel hopeful this evening.  Freya went volunteering with some friends, working at a soup kitchen, and I watched her and felt certain that she could handle the truth.  Though it was raining the entire time and the people who came to be served were ragged and sorrowful and filthy, she maintained her smile and her kindness.  My brilliant fire woman, my guide and stay and friend—surely she could come to understand the way things really are in this world. 

I will keep her safe.  I must, for this world needs people like her in it.