I apologize for my extended absence, and I do not have very much time to remedy it.  I have been on the hunt, and I must get back to it.

On the day after my last post, Freya came home from work and ordered a bouquet of flowers for a coworker who had broken her leg.  The next day she was worried about another coworker who has fallen ill, and the day after that her new assistant had to quit after only a week of work—her mother was in a terrible accident.  Everyone else has been in foul spirits with small pieces of misfortune like a crashed computer, a broken phone, burns from spilled coffee. 

Listing it all now, it is shameful that it took me so long to realize that something was causing all of this trouble.

My quarry is a Hazard, and it has been clever enough not to strike at Freya directly, or even to choose one victim alone.  Instead it has been jumping from person to person within the office, manipulating the world around them to cast a shadow of bad luck over the whole place.

It’s clever, actually.  I have no way of knowing where it will go next, and there is no reason that it has to go directly to any of these people, either.  Just this afternoon Freya had to comfort a friend of hers who was near tears because a show he had been planning on attending for weeks had been canceled.  As far as I can tell, this was done from miles away.

Though they joke about the “curse”, everyone is feeling the strain.  Even Freya, who has only been affected in that her car was one of three broken into last week, is more anxious than usual.  More worrying, though, is that she is also suspicious.  She cannot shake the feeling that there is real malice behind these supposedly unconnected events.

If I am not careful, she may come to the conclusion that all of this is due to her.  I will not have her blame herself.

It has been impossible to track the creature, but I have a plan now.  With the help of my friends, I believe I have set a trap that a Hazard will not be able to resist.  We shall see if it takes the bait.