Not much to report, except that I have checked in with Mary and Kayla. Both are doing well—Kayla’s mother is filing for divorce, and Kayla is reassured by the decision that her stepfather will likely serve at least one year in prison for what he has done. It is possible that the two of them will move out of the town before he gets out—not only do they want to avoid him, but they both want a fresh start.

If they do go, I am assured that she and Mary will keep in touch. Their relationship, previously built only on words on a screen, is growing stronger—twice this week Mary has visited to see how Kayla was doing, and on the second visit Kayla officially apologized to Mary for everything she has done. Mary, who had already forgiven her, voiced that forgiveness, and their friendship was secured.

Mary is doing well. She is proud of her accomplishments, and Jordan is proud of her, too. He was very impressed with how she handled the situation. Mary’s mother also was impressed. From the incident, she learned of Mary’s involvement with the website, and they had a good long talk. Mrs. Wimmer cried upon realizing how much her daughter went through alone, but she was glad to know that the danger and the pain has passed. Their relationship, too, is stronger.

Both Inca and I believe that we may soon be removed from our charges’ cases. We will be sorry to go, but glad that these young women are growing strong enough to spread their own wings, so to speak. Inca has also requested from her seniors that she and I receive another charge together in the near future. She says that she has never closed a case so quickly.

I, too, hope to work with her again soon. We accomplished a great deal together, I think, and as these strong young men and women move into the world, much more good will be done. I can only be grateful to have been a part of it.