I met the first of my new charges today, and I am excited to begin working with him.  Collaboration is always a rewarding experience, but I will also enjoy the chance to stretch my new wing and find out what I can accomplish on my own again.

His name is Theodore Hudson, though his friends call him Ted.  He is thirty-eight years old and lives in Vermont, on the shores of Lake Champlain.  The lake occupies much of his life: he works as a guide for tourists who come to see it, and on his days off he goes fishing or hiking himself.  He has a deep love for the lake and its creatures.

When it comes to human love, however, Ted is at a bit of a loss.  He is at the point in his life when he believes that he will not find a relationship that will last, and he consoles himself with temporary trysts.  In his heart, however, I can see a desire to share the beauty of his home and his peaceful days with someone who will appreciate them as much as he does.

Danit tells me that there are two possible partners for Ted, both of whom he will meet very soon.  There will be some difficulty with both of them, she warned me, and if I am not careful, they will play against one another and Ted will be left alone.

I will be ready for this, or as ready as I can be.  For now, however, I am enjoying spending time with Ted in the woods and on the waters, watching the trembling sunrise and feeling the way it enriches his soul.  It feeds mine, too.