A human life is often measured with ceremonies.  A prenatal sonogram, a child’s christening, a series of graduations as one progresses through education, one’s first day at a new job, a marriage, the signing of the deed to a home.  These great moments stand like borders around the day-to-day life in which most of the wonderful things in life happen; they are the landmarks by which memories are set and personalities are shaped.

I saw all of this in the small ceremony of investiture that happened today in the school board office of Standish, Maine.  It was held in a conference room with the members of the school board, Jonathan’s family, and a photographer from the local paper all crowded around the table.  There were no special decorations, no ceremonial motions, nothing but a small speech of welcome by the school board president and a brief statement by Jonathan.  Then it was over, and just a few minutes later Jonathan was walking out to have lunch with Lauren and his parents.

And yet, I could see in his face as he shook hands with his new colleagues that this is one of those days he will remember all his life.  As he attends meetings and makes his opinions known, as he works to improve the lives of young people in his region, he will look back at this day and know that it had a significant role to play in the making of him.  It brought me great joy to see it, and I was honored to be present.

At lunch, in a moment when Felicity was carrying the conversation, Lauren leaned close to Jonathan and kissed his cheek.  “Happy?” she asked.

Jonathan, who still prefers sometimes to let his actions speak louder than his words, turned her face to his and kissed her.  In that, too, I could see a future filled with happiness and success.

And so I blessed them and went on my way, confident that they will be bright lights indeed in this shadowed world.