Some news for you.

Grace and Con’s custody agreement has been officially approved.  Both parents have a copy, with an agreement that they will revise it at least every two years, and it has been signed by a judge.  They are both pleased with the arrangement, and they see no reason that it should not work just as they planned.  Meanwhile little Shep is doing splendidly, putting on weight and becoming more and more engaged with the world around him and the people who love him.  Sometimes, just before I am going back to heaven, I stop at Grace’s apartment so that I may spread my wings over him and wash him in love.

Arthur is starting college applications, and he and Harrington are going to visit one this weekend.  It just happens to be Harrington’s alma mater, and he is a bit nervous about going back to a place where his life was very different, but he looks forward to spending the time with Arthur.

Ted is doing better than he expected.  He misses Cole, but not overly so, and it pleased him to set Elaine’s mind at ease.  The two of them have been talking more, in fact, and they have plans to go out to the theater on Friday night.

Things have eased with Gabrielle and Nick.  They had a good talk on Monday, and they’ve agreed to relax a bit and let the little details go as they may, and to communicate more clearly with one another when something is wrong.  Their apartment is almost precisely as they both want it now, complete with wall hangings and small trinkets on the shelves.  Now that they are careful to discuss rather than argue, they have managed to enjoy putting up the finishing touches.

Finally, and most worrying for me, I have been asked to report to Anteros tomorrow.  Surely this is the decision that I have been waiting for, but I had not the first idea that our Elder was to be involved.  Was my transgression so very serious?  I had not realized.

What will he say?  Will I be allowed to see any of these developments that I have foreseen for my charges?  Or will they soon be someone else’s work to accomplish?  I cannot say.

If I can, I will give you all the answer as soon as I know it.