
The Cruelty of Youth

Inca and I have received our first joint assignment!  I was excited to begin, of course, but this assignment is proving to be very different from any others I have dealt with.  For one thing, Mary Wimmer is only fifteen, a shy and sweet girl still uncertain as to who she is or wants to be.  For another, she is dealing with more pain than I could have imagined a child could know. When Inca and I arrived at Mary’s…

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Passion and Intelligence

There is not much to tell in regards to Pamela and Daniel.  Little has changed: there is still great tension between the two of them.  Daniel has yet to speak to his wife, and Pamela is frustrated and upset. I was listening to her telling Mal about the incident last night.  “The worst part of it is I’m still crazy attracted to him,” she said.  “And I can see his side of it.  What if I had stayed with Rohan,…

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The Truth that Must Be Told

Well, it has been a very long few days, and I am not entirely certain that what Pamela has decided is the right thing.  But having a course of action comforts her, and so I am willing to help her bear with the consequences. It was a full day before she could bring herself to think with even a bit of objectivity about Daniel.  When she could, however, she realized what I knew from the start: that Daniel was telling…

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Her Anger and Mine

Perhaps you are expecting to read about my further experiences with Shannon, but I have no news in her case, and great upheaval with another of my charges.  Poor Pamela!  My assignment to her case has made no visible improvement in her life, as not one of the men that she has met since I have been with her have been unworthy of her.  First there was Rohan, who was too weak to commit to her; then Andrew, who could…

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The Good I Have Done, That I Still Can Do

My second impression of Shannon was no better than the first.  She had not heard from Mark as she had expected, and so she skipped her class for the day to stay home and sulk.  I cannot understand why someone has so little drive or motivation—does she not even respect herself? I was confused and frustrated, so I went to speak to Danit. “I hate that I feel this way, but I keep looking for good in her and I…

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Cold Truth

I have been so excited to meet this new person, my newest and longest anticipated charge.  I have wondered what they might be like, who they might be drawn to, what new challenges they might present and what new lessons they might have to teach me.  I have looked so forward to all of these things, and I have to say that I am disappointed. That sounds so terrible to say, it really does, but I can’t lie.  Perhaps it…

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Date Night

Well!  It has been a very busy night.  It just so happened that all four of my charges went out on dates tonight, and so I have been back and forth and around and around all evening.  I think, however, that everything has gone well. I started out with Brooke and Morgan, who had a Skype date.  Both of them got dressed up and ordered in their favorite takeout, and they ate it together while talking about their days.  I…

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Hidden Hurt

For Brooke and Morgan, this is a very difficult day.  The weekend has been blissful—nearly four full days of re-learning one another, of seeing how the other has altered in however small ways, seeing new beauty in one another.  It was beautiful, and a joy to be with them.  And now it is over. They were lying together in the afternoon sunlight coming through Brooke’s window, fully dressed, their heads together on Brooke’s pillow.  Brooke’s suitcase was sitting next to…

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Strong Hearts

Inca joined me today when I went to check on Myrtle.  As I thought she would, she liked Myrtle a great deal. “There is strength in her, and such fierce independence,” she said, watching Myrtle lead a discussion with the other dancers before their rehearsal.  “No one will ever control that one.” It made me laugh, but it was an interesting point that the thing Inca most admires about Myrtle—and indeed, what I admire, too—is what has caused most of…

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A Quick Update

Time only for a quick update: all of my charges are doing well currently, particularly Brooke and Morgan.  This weekend Brooke was given a four-day break, and she made excellent use of it, flying back to New York and straight into Morgan’s arms.  The two of them have been together all day, and though I have only been able to check up on them for a few moments before having to leave them to themselves, I know that they are…

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