
A Hint of Happiness

After so many entries carrying only bad news and danger, I’m excited to write about something lighter for a change.  Part of me rather misses being a Cupid. Freya has been dogsitting for one of her neighbors this past week.  She is a little afraid of dogs, but Bailey is a fat beagle, thirteen years old and as harmless as can be.  He and Freya have become good friends, and today she even decided that she would take him to…

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The Spirits and the Saint

All has been quiet with Freya since the incident with the Arrogance.  She has settled into her new position with an ease that surprised her, though it does not surprise me.  She has many guards now and is never alone, but I have noticed that she is more comfortable when I myself am close.  For this reason I was displeased to have been called away from her, but now I am glad, for it gave me an opportunity that few…

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I am tired.  I have been busy, between my usual patrols and guarding Freya, extra training with Ruhamah, and hunting in every spare moment that I have.  Both Brid and Orison have been watching me, worried that I will overreach my strength.  I am doing my best not to push myself beyond my limits, but it is hard.  I have yet to locate the Arrogance that touched Freya.  No doubt it is deep in hiding, for I myself and my…

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Another Fallen came after Freya today.  I am so angry I can hardly find words to express it.  The only thing that comforts me is that something good came out of it, after all. Just last week Freya received confirmation of something that has been office talk for some time: the collections editor at the press is moving on from her position, and so one of the assistants will be promoted to take her place.  As everyone expected, that someone…

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Reflection of Myself in a Friend’s Eye

I was at rest today in the Asylum today when Brid came to join me.  She had checked on me three times since I came in after the battle, but each time she was at work as a Healer, sustaining me with positive energy and kindness and checking on the progress of my wound.  This time, she came without a word and sat down at my side, and I knew she was here just as my friend. We were silent…

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A Taste of War

Brid says that I cannot write for long; she wants me to go and rest soon, so I only have time for a short post.  It seems unfair, when there is so much to report. There was a battle tonight.  What a small sentence to hold so much violence and pain!  It was a group of Violences that Anathalie has been tracking for some days now.  She arranged an ambush with Ruhamah and some of the other Cherubs.  I never…

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