I am tired.  I have been busy, between my usual patrols and guarding Freya, extra training with Ruhamah, and hunting in every spare moment that I have.  Both Brid and Orison have been watching me, worried that I will overreach my strength.  I am doing my best not to push myself beyond my limits, but it is hard.  I have yet to locate the Arrogance that touched Freya.  No doubt it is deep in hiding, for I myself and my friends as well have been tearing the Earth apart and have caught several of its kind.  But to find one specific Fallen in a shadowed world is all but impossible. 

Speaking of a specific Fallen, Ero’an brought me some news today that sits in my heart like concrete.  He was with a team this week tracking a high-ranking Violence, and when they captured it, they pressed it for news of the Enemy.  Among one of the things they learned was that there is a new young Fallen rising quickly through the ranks.  It is said that this Violence is charismatic, extremely persuasive, and has involved herself with many different kinds of the Fallen.  Though she has no power over them, she is attempting to convince them to do her bidding, and with more than one already, she has succeeded.

This Fallen, of course, is Asoharith, and her goal is to get to me.  The others she has sent know my name, and that the best way to hurt me is to attack Freya.

I just don’t understand.  How could this Fallen know so much about me?  Why make me her target?  Ero’an said that their captive did not know Asoharith’s reasons—the Fallen do not share secrets with one another, for any one of them might turn traitor to save its own skin.  But it did know that the depth of Asoharith’s hatred for me is memorable, even among those for whom hatred is their native language.

It is exhausting to think of someone hating me so much.  But what can I do about it but continue my work, and to keep more careful watch?  My enemy will find me, or she will not, but I will not put Freya at risk just to bring that confrontation sooner.

Freya is becoming more perceptive—her dreams are full of towering figures and herself shouting questions that are never answered.  I keep watch from as far as I can manage, but I cannot leave her alone.  I will not give her up, not now.